Welcome to the UNC Marathon Team Website!

Our team provides an inclusive community that supports members of all experience levels in achieving their running goals. Whether you are just getting into running, or training for a major marathon, you can become an engaged member of our team. We are an officially recognized university club sports team and registered USATF competitive club. This website provides lots of important information about our organization and what we offer. We hope you will join us for a run soon! 

Please join the GroupMe to stay up to date on Team information and follow us on Instagram!

Practice Times for Spring 2025

First day of practice will be Wednesday, January 8th. 

Monday-Friday: Meet in front of Fetzer Gym at 5:00 PM.

Sunday: This is our long run day. Meet in front of Fetzer Gym at 8:00 AM. 

Reasons to Join

The UNC Marathon Team strives to create a supportive environment that enables all of its members to achieve their running goals. Training for a marathon, half marathon, or just starting to build a running habit in college may seem quite daunting. Working together, we overcome the intimidation of these challenges and make previously unthinkable achievements possible. 


Some of our members have run either competitively or recreationally prior to joining the UNC Marathon Team. Others have never run a step before! Anyone looking for a new and exciting challenge is more than welcome to join our community. We are here to support you in achieving your running goals!

Weekly Routes


This Week’s Routes: Frozen Footwork

Group Monday Tuesday Wednesday  Thursday Friday Sunday

Half Marathon lower

3 Miles

MLK- Hillsborough

3 Miles

Carrboro 3

5 Miles

Meadowmont 5

Optional Rest Day! 4 Miles

Carrboro 4

7 Miles

Rainbow James

 Half Marathon higher

5 Miles


5 Miles


8 Miles

Jacob’s Circle

4 Miles

Westwood 4

6 Miles


12 Miles

The Edge

Marathon lower

5 Miles


5 Miles


8 Miles

Jacob’s Circle

4 Miles

Westwood 4

6 Miles


14 Miles

Homestead North

Marathon higher

7 Miles

I’m in Love With Carrboro

8 Miles

Jacob’s Circle

10 Miles

Carolina North 10

7 Miles

All of Bolin

7 Miles

Rainbow James

16 Miles

All of Chapel Hill

Link to Full Training Plan: LINK

Wednesday Workouts

Half Marathon (L): Progression Run

Half Marathon (H): Progression Run

Marathon (L): Progression Run

Advanced Marathon (H): Progression Run

Long Run


Cheat Sheet for Workouts:

EZ= Easy Pace

MP = Marathon Pace

HMP = Half Marathon Pace

T = Tempo Pace

Marathon crest

President Owen Gast ogast@unc.edu
Vice President Sophia McReynolds smcreyno@ad.unc.edu
Treasurer Irvin Carreon icarreon@unc.edu
Social Chair Austin Irwin adirwin@unc.edu
Branding/Fundraising Neha Saggi nsaggi@unc.edu